Fergana regional museum

Today we talk about Fergana regional museum located in Uzbekistan and considered to be the oldest and the ancient museum of the country.  The history tells that 1894 is the year when the first exhibition was organized, the city of the location was New Margelan, which is now known as Fergana.

It is possible to rent car Uzbekistan and get to see that the main opening of the museum was in 1899, in the day of anniversary of the birth of A.S. Pushkin. At the moment of the opening of the museum there were about 2223 exhibits. Being near the house of the governor, it seemed to comply the actual view.

So, during the tour, the guests are free to get to know that there were made significant donations from various people. But 1911 is known to be the year of closing of the museum. The 20th century, the middle of it is known to be the period of the organization of the historical department with a great amount of documents of the victories of the Soviet government.

In the period of WW2 the museum worked. Basically the museum contains about 80 000 exhibits. Most of the works are the collections, like of Rishtan and Gurumcapay ceramics, chasing, jewelry, embroidery, craft.

The independency offered the opportunity to organize various exhibitions, in honor of various significant events, like the 1200th anniversary of Ahmad al-Fargoni and the 900th anniversary of Burkhaniddin al-Marginani.

The visitants are better to take Tashkent car rent service in account in order to be able to travel to the museum with a great amount of monographs gathered. Some articles of foreign and local meaning are also gathered there.

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