Horse riding in Chon Kemin gorge

Horse riding in Kyrgyzstan is very popular among the tourists. It is not only enjoying your time spending with local families and learning culture, but also witnessing amazing views and great images. 

Horses have played an important role in the life of Kyrgyz nomads from ancient times to present day. According to the legend, horses were the very reason to the beginning of the Silk Road. The Chinese admired the horses of Fergana valley and send their ambassadors for a change to a rare sort of silk. The Central Asian horses were stronger, taller and enduring thus perfectly fit for military purposes. They were the matter of status for governors. 

Kyrgyz men were taught to ride horses as soon as they learnt to walk and they accompanied throughout their whole life. “At adamdyn kanaty” says the famous Kyrgyz proverb meaning “Horse is the wings of man”. Young men could practice their skills on a horse playing “kyz kuumai” (“chase the girl”), “ulak tartysh” (dragging a goat”), “at chabysh” (“races”), “tyiyn engmei” (“pick up the coins”) and many other national games. 

In order to understand the philosophy of nomadic culture and what place the horses take in the lives of Kyrgyz, you must do a horse riding tour in Chon Kemin. There are options of long and short horse riding tours in Chon Kemin gorge. The route goes across the mountain hill with a panoramic view through the forest. The longer option goes deeper to the gorge.

To reach Chon Kemin, you need to take a public transport from Bishkek or rent a car. If you travel with a self-drive car, do not miss the turn before entering to Boom gorge.

Kyrgyzstan tours, Kyrgyzstan travel, car rent Kyrgyzstan, Kyrgyzstan cars rent.